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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 11 Reviews *Updated*

In an effort to get these out as soon as possible I'm publishing these reviews now and both Tom and I will be adding to them throughout the day and/or tomorrow. What did you think about this week's releases? Do Tom and I have no idea what we're talking about? Is there something we should be reading this week that we haven't talked about yet? Let us know in the comments!

Also, if you think something needs to be done about the atrocious fonts and designs of titles on comic covers - I agree with you.

Nova #4

Let's get the Conquest poppin'! I didn't read any of Nova's issues that took place back on Earth, but his re-introduction to the cosmos is exciting as all get-out. Everything in this issue is so intricately handled and a flat-out blast to read. The Phalanx start getting some dialogue face-time and speak in acceptably pulpy robotic lingo. Seeing their side of the playing field fleshed out a bit has immediately given this event more depth.

I'm slightly hesitant about the ending, simply because I don't want to see any massive changes to a character I'm only just connecting with. However it plays out though, this title is rockin' so far and I'm in no position to complain.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Kree space....

Conquest: Wraith #1


This is about as mysterious as introductions go. Wraith is clearly a badass, though the limits or source of his power remain unrevealed as do most his motivations. In the context of a five-book-wide event, however, this lack of development doesn't hurt this title all that much. He looks awesome, kicks some serious ass, there's a good twist at the end, and I find that the mystery and lack of information is something I'm enjoying.

I get to know and understand what's happening in the other Conquest titles, not-knowing in Wraith is something of a joy.

I recommend all the Annihilation related books.

Fables #63

Jeeze, Fables. Not messing around anymore are we?

This series is taking off. If you haven't been reading this (dumb. dumb.) you need to start. The first several issues of the current Good Prince storyline have been engaging and indicated that the plot was starting to head down the path it's been building toward the entire time. Last issue, I was content but not blown away. The story was still strong and there was a lot of anticipation of what was to come, but the pace was relatively slow. I knew things would pick up a little this month but in general I was expecting something similar to what we've been getting lately. Whoops!

It's on. The war is here, and this issue goes great lengths to illustrate just how complete and incredible it's is going to be. Without ruining anything I can say that Prince Charming and his colleagues are still birthing plans for war, Flyswatter's leap down the well leads to interesting results, and Bigby, the Adversary, and a bunch of old-faces all get some time in the picture.

I love Fables, but recently I've found my excitement for it isn't as high as for some other books. No longer. Shit's about to get real.

The Sub-Mariner #2

This has been decent enough so far with somewhat interesting political commentary. The Atlantean culture is conflicting with the Humans, though much of it is simply the result of a lack of trust or understanding. In response to the actions of a radical splinter-cell, most the humans are quick to come to believe all residents of Atlantis to be their enemy. Each time someone wrongly accuses Namor of being a terrorist, or is too quick to act with violence toward him - the statements being made about current global affairs are pretty clear. To each their own on that whole front.

This issue's inclusion of Venom stands out as being a bit slap-dash and quite frankly just kinda stupid. The entire Thunderbolts team is sent after lame-os like Jack Flag and Ollie Osnick the Steel Spider, but for someone as imposing as the Prince of Atlantis the Army only wants Venom? C'mon.

This isn't the most exciting series out there, not by a long shot, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a failure. Recommended for those who want to see more Tony Stark, have a special place in their hearts for Namor, or that have the cash to pick up everything that doesn't suck completely.

Green Arrow: Year One #1

This was a hit-n-miss first issue in what I'm feeling will probably turn out to be a relatively decent series. Almost everything here was focused on developing Oliver Queen as a lost soul, but one that by the end of the issue is starting to yearn for redemption. The majority of the dialogue-heavy effort is interesting or at the least entertaining, though some of Queen's drunken antics are quite dull and are the low-points of the story. Thankfully, the synopsis for the remaining issues seem to be taking Ollie into completely new territories and we probably won't be seeing anymore drunken grandstanding.

Bottom-line: I'm interested. Future issues will probably be better, as this first one was tied to some opening narrative obligations. Covers are all looking to be great.

X-Factor #21

Last issue was my introduction to this series, if you recall, and I could see how it has the potential to be interesting but was somewhat underwhelmed.

This time I'm hooked. There's just so much...personality. There about a dozen different stories or themes being juggled throughout the issue, all balanced with grace. If someone were to ask me if I were interested in a comic that's as much Real World as it is noir or X-Men, I probably would have said, 'no.'

Would have been my loss.

Anyway this issue has me all sorts of excited about jumping into this series, and the current/future story is looking good. I don't know who the Isolationist is but he's here, he's tall, he's dressed menacingly, he acts tortured in private, he can destroy stuff and not care, he's friendly to Madrox in a way that may or may not actually be friendly, and people on websites I've read seem to know who the hell he is. Cool. Let's do this thing.

Endangered Species #3 is the first one where I'm going to sort of shrug and not have much to say. Frankly nothing happens or is said that we haven't heard already save for a few hints and one massive tease. Hopefully next week we won't have to hear McCoy explain that mutant-kind is going extinct. We know, you've told us.


Justin B. said...

Of the ones you guys reviewed that I read you were spot on (Fables, GA: Y1 and X-Factor.) I was hoping for more as well out of Green Arrow but it's freaking Diggle and Jock so you know the next 5 issues are going to kick all sorts of ass. This was just the appetizer.
Also, welcome to X-Factor Grady, it's the best X-title on the stands right now. Do yourself a favor and try to find the back issues as well as the Madrox mini because it has been this good since it started.

Grady J. said...

I don't know why I had such a wrong perception of what X-Factor was, but I'm definitely into it. Other than Astonishing, which doesn't ship nearly enough - I'm definitely looking forward to it more than all the other X titles, for sure. :)